Item 576 out of 907
Lot # 576 - Mughal style Unlisted Qila Shahabad Silver Rupee 45 RY Coin In the name of Shah Alam II of Kotah.
Mughal style Unlisted Qila Shahabad Silver Rupee  45 RY  Coin In the name of   Shah Alam II of Kotah.
Mughal style Unlisted Qila Shahabad Silver Rupee  45 RY  Coin In the name of   Shah Alam II of Kotah. Mughal style Unlisted Qila Shahabad Silver Rupee  45 RY  Coin In the name of   Shah Alam II of Kotah.
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  •   e-Auction # 43
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:798
Start Price 4000 Estimated Price 4000-5000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintQila Shahbad
MetalSilverRY (Ruling Year)45
Full Description:

Kotah, Qila Shahabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 45 RY, In the name of  Shah Alam II, Obv: Persian legend "Sikka Mubarak Badshah Ghazi Shah Alam", Rev: Persian legend "sana 45 julus" & "zarb Qila Shahabad" at the bottom, 11.2 g, 21.00 mm, (Unlisted type), no test mark, about very fine, Rare.

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